How do buildings care?
Pespectives in three sessions: Safety, Love, Intimacy
What type of architecture makes one feel safe, at ease, loved, and cared for? In which way is space imbricated in human well-being? In common architectural discourse, relatively little attention is paid to the embodied, affective, and relational aspects of site and space. La Loge addresses this gap by inviting artists, designers, and architects to critically explore architecture in relation to social and affective intensities.
Organised in three different sessions, each focusing one dimension of the concept care, How Do Buildings Care? sets out as an open investigation into how buildings facilitate or accommodate care; how we, in turn, take care, love, or even eroticise them; or how they influence the way we look out for each other. Each seminar is imagined as a moment of co-existence of diverse commissioned contributions in the form of films, lectures and shared moments.
A specially commissioned scenography in the temple of La Loge by Rotterdam collective Cookies provides the environment for the three days of activities, spread over three consecutive weeks. Each instance speculates the ways in which architectures are or should be entangled in the reconfiguration of notions such as intimacy, belonging, treatment, domesticity, safety and love in current society, characterised increasingly by global migration, austerity and gentrification, and smart technology’s redefinition of space.
Curated by Laura Herman