From Some Paintings by Nathalie Du Pasquier
At La Loge, Nathalie Du Pasquier and Luca Lo Pinto invite the viewer to engage with a new body of work, which reprises many elements of the artist’s former research and stems from her unceasing investigation into assemblages of form. Presented in the basement is a series of black and white photographic representations of still lifes originally executed in oil between 2000 and 2010. Each image is printed on an A4 format and then aligned like stills from a black and white silent film, denoting a different temporal experience. On the first floor, in the Temple, the artist presents an in situ installation comprising a wooden construction and six flat compositions linking the floor and panels on the wall like freestanding columns or totems. The compositions combine cut-outs of enlarged details taken from some of the black and white works on view on the lower floor with sheets of coloured paper and digital elaborations of more recent abstract paintings. The compositions are indeed an amalgamation, borrowing from some paintings, and it was this process, which inspired the title of the show.
Curated by Luca Lo Pinto