
Over Infinite Play door Marina Pinsky

attach_file 20.04-02.07.23

Infinite Play door Marina Pinsky

camera_alt 20.04-02.07.23

Through the eyes of Marina Pinsky

slideshow 20.04-02.07.23

Klara Pompidou x Infinite Play

volume_up 05.06.23, 17:00

Gesprek met Zoƫ Gray

notifications 24.05.23, 19:00

Masonic Modernism door Mostafa Heddaya

notifications 10.06.23, 17:00

Mixed feelings door Charlie Usher

notifications 16.06.23, 20:00


notifications 05.05, 18:00

Lawrence, Perpendicular Music

notifications 30.06.23, 20:00

Marina Pinsky

notifications 20.04-02.07.23

Through the eyes of Marina Pinsky

Exhibition video documentation about 'Infinite Play' by Marina Pinsky


La Loge, Brussels

Video by Anais Chabeur
Exhibition views by Lola Pertsowsky

Copyright La Loge Brussels