Shana Moulton
For three weeks, La Loge is presenting the work of artist Shana Moulton through a selection of videos and a performance.
Shana Moulton (b. 1976, lives and works in Brooklyn, NY) creates videos, performances and multidimensional installations that combine an unsettling, wry humour with a low-tech, pop sensibility. Her works feature Cynthia, a fictive character played by the artist. Cynthia is a young woman driven by an insatiable search for meaning that leads her to a simultaneously worried and trustful consumption of redemptive treatments. While experimenting all kinds of cosmetics, medicines, personal development philosophies, leisure activities or the positive properties of crafted curiosa; Cynthia appears as a fragile body primarily dominated by and interacting with the world of objects.
Curator: Anne-Claire Schmitz