Session 2
15:00: As a member and representative of Assemble (UK), a design & architecture collective based in London, Amica Dall will talk about how the last few years of Assemble’s practice have lead them think about to what degree once radical ideas about public participation in the production of art and architecture have been successfully co-opted to other ends and causes, and what possibilities there are to be found in the margins and details for day-to-day practice to reclaim some to the value, richness and vigour of more public, open-ended and collaborative modes of production.
16:00 to 16:30: break & drinks
16:30: In correspondence with Oskar Hansen’s attempts to expose the everyday life through architecture, Aleksandra Wasilkowska discusses her projects dedicated to hidden architecture of bazaars and public lavatories. Aleksandra Wasilkowska (PL) is an architect and artist based in Warsaw. She designs buildings, public spaces and realizes performative architecture projects with special interest in self-organization and community. Her long-term projects Shadow Architecture and Bazaristan were exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw in 2015. In 2010, she represented Poland at the 12th Venice Architecture Biennale.
17:30 to 18:00: drinks
ASSEMBLE (design & architecture collective, UK), Aleksandra Wasilkowska (artist & architect, PL)
Practical information
Dates and time: 14, 21 and 28 March 2015, 15:00 to 18:00
Audience is welcome to join at any time of the program.
La Loge’s bar will be open throughout the sessions.
Seminar language: English