
Give me a break from these preppy talks : Introduction & Fabienne Brugère

Chiara Fumai. A Feminist Voice

Fabienne Brugère is Professor of Philosophy at the University Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis. She is President of Paris Lumières University. She is a member of the editorial board of the Journal Esprit. She is responsible (in collaboration with Guillaume le Blanc) for the collection "Diagnostics" published by Editions du Bord de l'Eau and (in collaboration with Claude Gautier) for the collection "Perspectives du care" published by Editions de l'ENS Lyon. She has also taught at the Universities of Hamburg, Munich, and Quebec. She is working on the philosophy of art, on moral and political philosophy. She has published many books : Le sexe de la sollicitude, Seuil, 2008; Philosophie de l’art, PUF, 2010 ; L’éthique du care, PUF, 2011; Faut-il se révolter ?, Bayard, 2012 ; La politique de l’individu, Seuil, 2013, with Guillaume le Blanc, La fin de l’hospitalité, Flammarion, 2017 and in 2019 On ne naît pas femme, on le devient, Stock and Care Ethics. The Introduction of Care as a Political Category, Peeters.

Give me a break from these preppy talks
A public programme curated by Francesco Urbano Ragazzi and Mara Montanaro

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